High Performance Dry Fog Systems

Dry Fog Systems

Adelaide Port Project & SA Environmental Protection Authority

Rainstorm led dry fog system uptake in Australia with the design and implementation of ship Dry Fog Systems to solve dust issues, such as the Adelaide Port Project for an iron ore exporter. The South Australian Environmental Protection Authority (SA EPA) backed the system idea and once the Fog System was installed and commissioned, the SA EPA enabled the loading of iron ore in close proximity to areas sensitive to dust due to the high performance dust control from Rainstorm Dry Fog Systems.
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Optimised Dust Control Planning

Port Hedland Monitoring System

Data to Optimise Dust Control Planning –
The Port Hedland Industries Council Air Quality Real-Time monitoring:

Site Monitoring | Weather Forecasting:
Site Monitoring enables accurate prediction of dust events allowing for real-time and future dust risk reporting, which allows dust control programs to be implemented in advance of a weather event. Site Monitoring contributes to improved environmental and safety performance and provides a direct cost saving by designing dust control applications accordingly (timing and volume of product applied tailored to suit conditions).

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