Gluon™ Veneering: Wheatstone Project

gluon erosion control blog

Rainstorm applied Gluon™ Water Erosion Control for the Wheatstone Oil and Gas Project in the Pilbara Western Australia to Borrow Pits. Rainstorm also delivered Gluon applications to open areas to hold dust and trap moisture for site rehabilitation and embankment water erosion control. Soft sand areas were covered using the Rainstorm specialist CASE application truck photographed.
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High Performance Dry Fog Systems

Dry Fog Systems

Adelaide Port Project & SA Environmental Protection Authority

Rainstorm led dry fog system uptake in Australia with the design and implementation of ship Dry Fog Systems to solve dust issues, such as the Adelaide Port Project for an iron ore exporter. The South Australian Environmental Protection Authority (SA EPA) backed the system idea and once the Fog System was installed and commissioned, the SA EPA enabled the loading of iron ore in close proximity to areas sensitive to dust due to the high performance dust control from Rainstorm Dry Fog Systems.
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